Managed to get hold of Matthew Crawford’s latest book,
The world beyond your head: On becoming an individual in an age of distraction, from
the local library and work through it over the long weekend.
The book is not for the casual reader. However, Crawford’s
weaving of his own experiences to introduce or emphasise the many philosophical
points through the book, makes the book more accessible. Hence, the book is a
good example of blending some of the rigour of academia into a readable form.
The book has 13 chapters with additional introductory and
closing chapters. After the introduction, there are 5 chapters in Part 1
revolving around ‘encountering things’. Then 7 chapters in part 2 centre around
‘other people’. The last chapter, makes up part 3 on ‘inheritance’. Below, my perspectives as I read through the book with 'learning a trade' or attaining expertise in craft, as anchors to my reading.
Introduction:- here the overarching argument of the book is introduced and discussed. There is a need for us to review how we attend to our individual
self, despite the prevalent use within our society of various visual and aural
stimulus, forcing us to divide our attention and /or continually be pulled from
one topic to another through access to an array of options. Finding the time to
consider/ think / work through and ruminate is becoming more difficult in a
world filled with distractions either of our own making (web browsing) or
imposed through the landscape we live in (advertisements). Some activities
absorb us sufficiently for our best thinking and application of craft to
flourish. In some forms of work, the ‘flow’ takes us on to greater heights of
performance. However, can also lead us into the abyss of compulsion and
addiction (e.g. gambling).
Part 1 – encountering things
The jig, the nudge and local ecology – Here
Crawford uses the concept of a ‘jig’ to illustrate the two ends of the pole of
utilising jigs. Jigs are arrangements of tools, materials or spatial
organisation to assist the performance of complex tasks. They can be used to
enhance work tasks, as per examples provided in carpentry, bar tendering and
short order cookery. But sophisticated jigs which can costs large amounts of
energy and capital to put in place, can also lead to the ‘mechanisation’ and
‘standardisation’ of job tasks as per assembly line / Mcfood type arrangements.
Embodied perception – uses the seamless
relationships hockey players have with their sticks and motorcycle riders to
illustrate the concepts of embodied perception. How the body is extended
through synergistic attachments to a tool or vehicle. The closer the body to
the tool or vehicle, the more the sensory / tactile feedback. Learning to
become good in these activities requires time to learn, become accustomed and
eventually embodied.
Virtual reality as moral idea – A short chapter,
bringing the concepts in the previous two chapters with further examples. In
short, the design of things can either assist in forming the embodied
relationship between us and tools / equipment / etc. or allow the tool / jig /
arrangement to overtake us and cause us to be passive and dependent, completing
tasks without thought.
Attention and design – argues more for the need
to not take design too far. There is a need for humans to still make decisions.
Roads which require our attention to drive along, yield fewer incidences of
accidents J
whereas roads engineered to allow us to go into auto pilot, may actually be
more dangerous.
Autism as a design principle: gambling – uses
the gambling industry as an example of how all the mechanisms build into slot
machines, are there to entice, excite and eventually to enslave. How our biochemicals can cause us to pander to the needs of the body in ways which lead to fulfilment or decline, depending on the sort of activity we become attracted to.
Part 2 – other people
On being led out – begins discussion on
education, the need for social interaction being a key. Uses glass blowing team
and the ‘apprenticeship’ of scientist to argue for the need of the relationship
between learner and expert.
Encountering things with other people –
basically a call to recognise the socio-culturality of human existence. All of
what we take to be ‘independent’ thought, comes through our interactions with
others, f2f and through artifacts, social structures etc.
Achieving individuality – So where is the
individual placed? This chapter tries to work out where in the bigger picture,
the individual fits in. Argues skilled practice is one ‘marker’ recognisable by
all, of an individual’s achievements. Therefore, if we become good at doing something, others provide us with accolades leading to cycle of positive reinforcement. For the individual, being good at something provides biochemical injections to cause us to further improve expertise.
The culture of performance – which leads to this
chapter on how individual’s show what they are made of. Otherwise, what is the point of doing?
The erotics of attention – probably the most
difficult chapter to work through but persistence pays. In brief, the chapter
argues for ways in which individuals may go about to make their mark. Attention is a key requirement, as without attending to what we do, there is no improvement in practice.
The flattening – As a counterpoint to the
previous chapter and a lead in to the next, this chapter discusses how
individuals represent themselves to others and in turn how they perceive
others, in relation to their own attention.
The statistical self – ties up the loose ends in
part 2.
Part 3 – inheritance – has the one chapter
13 – the organ makers’ shop – here the work of organ makers
is used to support the examples and concepts discussed through the rest of the
book. That a group of people have shared values, based on historical
associations with an obscure craft, yet manifest strong views of craftsmanship
framed by commercial imperatives.
Epilogue, provides a useful overview of the argument and
summarises a ‘where to next’.
Overall, there is an need to attend, through the book. Some
chapters require a few reads to understand the argument and reply, but each
chapter does lead into the next. Several chapters are 'dense' but persistence pays. The book works well as there is a flow from one chapter into the next, so perhaps not a book to dip in and out of, but one which requires attending to :) So, I am happy to have put the time an effort into working through the book and will do a re-read over the summer, to wring out the many messages in the book, pertinent my work.