
Updated June 28th 2022

Annotated Bibliography

Annotated bibliography specifically for 'Learning a Trade' - Updated February 2016.

Books (monographs)

Chan, S. (2021). Digitally enabling 'learning by doing' in vocational education: Enhancing 'learning as becoming' processes. Springer.

Chan, S. (2020). Identity, Pedagogy and Technology-enhanced learning: Supporting the processes of becoming a tradesperson. Singapore: Springer.

Chan, S. (2011). Belonging, becoming and being a baker: The role and processes of apprenticeship. PhD thesis 

Chan, S. & Baumgartner, E. (2007). Healthier Baked Products (output from Baking Industry Research (BIRT) project)

Books (as editor)

2022 -  Co-editored with Nicholas Huntington - Reshaping vocational education and training in Aotearoa New Zealand. Professional and Practice-based learning series. Springer. 

Book Chapters

Chan, S. (2024). Reform of Vocational Education (RoVE) in Aotearoa New Zealand: Implication on educators of VET teachers. In T. Deißinger & O. Melnyk (Eds.). Partnership-based Governance and Standardization of Vocational Teacher Education in Ukraine (pp.79-94). Germany: wbv Publikation.

Chan, S. (2023). Recognition of Current and Prior Experience in Aotearoa New Zealand and the role of eportfolios: In Lee, W. O,. Brown, P., Goodwin, A.L & Green, A. (Eds). International Handbook on Educational Development in Asia-Pacific. Springer: Singapore.

Chan, S. & N. Huntington (2022). Introduction - Reshaping for the future: challenges and innovation. In S. Chan & Huntington, N. (Eds). Reshaping vocational education and training in Aotearoa New Zealand. Professional and Practice-based learning series. Springer

Doyle, J., Chan, S. & Hale, M. (2022). The evolution of New Zealand Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics. In S. Chan & N. Huntington (Eds). Reshaping vocational education and training in Aotearoa New Zealand. Professional and Practice-based learning series. Springer

Chan, S., Sarkar, A., Muir, B., & Neill, K.  (2022). Project-based learning with contributions from inquiry and problem-based learning. In S. Chan & N. Huntington (Eds). Reshaping vocational education and training in Aotearoa New Zealand. Professional and Practice-based learning series. Springer

Chan. S. & Huntington, N. (2022). Conclusion – Into the future for Aotearoa New Zealand Vocational education and Training. In S. Chan & N. Huntington (Eds). Reshaping vocational education and training in Aotearoa New Zealand. Professional and Practice-based learning series. Springer

Chan, S. (2022). Recognition of current and prior experience in Aotearoa New Zealand and the role of eportfolios. In: Lee W.O., Brown P., Goodwin A.L., Green A. (eds) International Handbook on Education Development in Asia-Pacific. Springer, Singapore.

Chan. S. (2020). Learning the tacit dimensions of craft and industrial trades work through apprenticeship. In R. Hermkes, T. Bonoswski & G. H. Neuweg (Eds.) Implicit Knowledge (pp 175-192). Germany. Bertelsmann. 

Chan, S. (2018). Perspectives of beginning trades tutors on teaching and learning. In S. Loo and E. Smith (Eds.). Teaching and Learning for Occupational Practice: A multi-disciplinary and multi-level perspective’ London, UK: Routledge

Chan S., Beatty B., Chilvers D., Davies L., Hollingworth A., Jamieson I. (2018) Work-Integrated Learning in Aotearoa/New Zealand: Diversity, Biculturalism and Industry-Led. In: Choy S., Wärvik GB., Lindberg V. (eds) Integration ofVocational Education and Training Experiences. Technical and VocationalEducation and Training: Issues, Concerns and Prospects, vol 29. Springer, Singapore

Chan. S. (2014). Dietetic baked products. In Zhou, W. & Hui, Y.H. (Eds.). Bakery Products Scienceand Technology (2nd Ed.) (pp. 639-656). Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN: 978-1-119-96715-6

Chan, S., Fisher, K., & Sauer, P. (2013).Student Development of E-Workbooks: A Case for Situated-Technology Enhanced Learning(STEL) Using Net Tablets. In McConatha, D., Penny, C., Schugar, J. & Bolton, D. (Eds.)Mobile Pedagogy and Perspectives on Teaching and Learning (pp. 20 – 40).Hershey, PA: IGA Global.
Chan, S. (2011). Becoming a baker: Using mobile phones to compile eportfolios. In N. Pachler, C.Pimmer & J. Seipold (Eds.) Work-based mobile learning: concepts and cases (pp.91-116). Oxford, UK; Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang

Chan, S. (2006). Dietetic Bakery Products. In Bakery Products: Science and Technology. Y H Hui, Harold Corke, Ingrid De Leyn, Nanna Cross (Eds).  Iowa State Press / Blackwell Publishing: Ames
 Refereed journal articles

Chan, S. (2019). From job to calling: Vocational identity and the role of apprenticeship. . Vocations and Learning: Studies in vocational and professional education, 12(3), 387-403.

Chan, S. (2017). The reciprocity of 'imitative learning' through apprenticeship. Vocations and Learning: Studies in vocational and professional education,

Chan, S. (2017). Assisting with qualification completion by applying the concept of occupational identity as conferred before self-inference: A longitudinal case study of bakery apprentices. Vocations and Learning: Studies in vocational and professional education,

Chan, S. (2016). Belonging to a workplace: first-year apprentices’ perspectives on factors determining engagement and continuation through apprenticeship. International Journal of Educational and Vocational Guidance, 16(1), 9-27.

Chan, S. (2016). New Zealand’s move to graduate-profile framed qualifications: implications, challenges and the occupational identity solution. International Journal of Training Research, 14(1), 5-18

Chan, S. (2016). Belonging to a workplace: first year apprentices’ perspective on factors determining engagement and continuation through apprenticeship. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 16(1), 9-27.

Chan, S. (2015). The contribution of observation to apprentices' learning. Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 67(4), 442-459.

Ch      Chan, S. (2015). Apprentices' learning of occupationally informed practical judgment. Vocations and Learning: Studies in vocational and professional education, 8(3), 335-351.
Chan, S. (2014). Crafting an occupational identity: Learning the precepts of craftsmanship through apprenticeship. Vocations and Learning: Studies in vocational and professional education7(3), 313-330.  DOI:
 Chan, S. (2013).Using videos and multimodal discourse analysis to study how students learn atrade. International Journal of Training Research, 11(1), 69-78.

Chan, S. (2013). Learning through apprenticeship:belonging to the workplace, becoming and being.Vocations and Learning: Studies in vocational and professional education. 6(3), 367-383.

Chan, S. (2013). Proximal participation: A pathway into work. Journal of Vocational Education & Training65 (4), 474-488. DOI:10.1080/13636820.2013.838289

Chan, S. (2012). Perspectives of new trades tutors: Boundary crossing between vocational identities. Asia Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 40(4), 409-421.

Chan, S. &  Leitjen, F. (2012). Using feedback strategies to improve peer-learning in welding.  International Journal of Training Research, (10) 1, 23-29. DOI:10.5172/ijtr.2012.10.1.23

Chan, S. (2011). Constructing ePortfolios with mobile phones and Web 2.0. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 177, 243-253.

Book reviews

Chan, S. (2012). Lave, J. (2011). Apprenticeship in critical ethnographic practice. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.", Vocations and Learning: Studies in vocational and professional education. 5(3), 317-319.

Conference Proceedings

Chan, S. with Baglow, L. & Lovegrove, C. (2019). Supporting the learning of the sociomaterial: Novices’ perspectives on virtual reality welding simulators. In T. Deisinger, U. Hauschildt, P. Gonon & S. Fischer (Eds.). Contemporary Apprenticeship Reforms and Reconfigurations. Proceedings of the 8th conference of the International Network for Innovative Apprenticeships.

Chan, S. (2017, Oct.). E-assessments to support apprentices’ learning at work. In R. Lerman & E. A. Okoli (Eds.). Modern Apprenticeships: Widening their scope, sustaining their quality. Proceedings of the 7th conference of the International Network for Innovative Apprenticeships.

Chan, S. (2015, September) ‘Improving the dynamics of feedback through deploying mobile technology-enhanced learning during pre-apprenticeship. The International Network on Innovative Apprenticeship (INAP) conference, 1st – 2nd Sept. Ballarat

Chan, S., Taylor, D., Cowan, L., & Davies, N. (2014, November). Deploying student / peer feed-back to improve the learning of skills and dispositions with video. SINO / NZ TVET EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH FORUM – TIANJIN, P.R. CHINA

Chan, S. (2011). Constructing ePortfolios with mobile phones and Web 2.0. Communications in Computer  
and Information Science. 177, 243-253.

Chan, S. (2011, May). Learning practical workplace-based judgment through using cognitive
apprenticeship and occupational identity formation models. International Network
on Innovative apprentices, Beijing Normal University, 26th – 27th May.


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juan josé said...

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