Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Workforce development councils (WDCs) to be disestablished - what will replace them?

 As the current government dismantles the various initiatives of the Aotearoa NZ Reform of Vocational Education (RoVE), this year's budget announcement last week, provided another confirmation the final moves.

Te Pūkenga's disestablishment is moving along. The Regional Skills Leadership Groups (RSLGs) funding ended at the beginning of the year. Funding for Work Development Councils (WDCs) and Centres for Vocational Excellence (CoVEs), end next year. 

At the moment, there is little from the present government on what will replace Te Pūkenga and what happens to the many functions undertaken especially by WDCs. An opinion piece by Jeremy Sole in the Contractor MagazineAn opinion piece by Jeremy Sole in the Contractor Magazine, provides some food for thought on the roles of WDCs and what may happen next.

We therefore await details on what will happen next, as the sector reverts to pre-RoVE (sort of) and the various responsibilities of the disestablished organisations are dispersed to other existing organisations or alllocated to possible new entities. 

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