Monday, May 27, 2024

Educause Horizon report 2024

This year's EDUCAUSE horizon report on teaching and learning DUCAUSE horizon report on teaching and learning is now out. 

The report follows the structure of the previous reports. Trends are derived through a series of scans which encompass social, technological, economic, environmental and political trends. In this edition, AI is added as a honorary trend.

Key technologies revolve around AI, the need to support equitable and inclusive learning, practice data privacy and security, the targeting of misinformation and supporting mental health. In this, there is a move towards viewing technology as both enabler and supporter along with ensuring the importance of ethics, equity and inclusiveness.

The scenarios presented are representative of the North American higher education contexts and not all of these are easily generalisable into other national frameworks or experiences. However, the horizon report is always useful in providing information on what may happen next. The report provides updates on the affordances availed by technology and it is up to educational institutes to consider their own challenges and to interpret the report's findings and recommendations towards their own localised contexts. 

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