Monday, April 12, 2021

LMS - more alternatives

 This is a follow up from last week's post on LMS  - alternatives and new. Te Pukenga launched the second round of gathering feedback mid-last week. This time around, feedback is sought on 'service concepts' providing aspirational direction. These include 'adaptive skills framework + lifelong learner record'; 'my teacher, my way'; Matauranga innovation hubs'; 'Te Pukenga rovers' referring to local teams who reach out to the less visible learners in the community; "every step of the way'; 'digital cooperatives'; and 'a good place to work' to support employers to hire and support diverse learners.

All the above point to the need for flexible, adaptable, learning support. Adaptative learning, learning analytics, a robust and consolidated student management system, lifelong eportfolios etc.

Out present LMS only go a very short way towards addressing the above needs!

Some guides to alternatives to LMS include:

- this guide from Educause (2010, so now dated) which suggests the augmentation of current LMS with social bookmarking/social networking sites, timeline tools, and media options avaialble on the cloud.

- this article (2014) suggesting the need to balance management and learning when deploying LMS.

So there looks like there needs to be quite a bit of work in matching the aspirations of Te Pukenga, with what is perhaps now available. The large scale of Te Pukenga and nationally coverage (i.e no 'states'  and other complications) will help in the development of a 'LMS' that will afford the flexibility, personalisation and collaboration envisaged. Heartening to know that Te Pukenga is aspirational and not just resorting to conventional means to increase access and equity for all VET learners.

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