Monday, July 01, 2019

New tech and jobs

Two articles from last week's papers.

First one on 'what to do when new tech changes the rules of your job'. Takes the 'be proactive' approach. If your job is being threatened, then you need to ensure your current work provides sufficient professional development to upskill as in the NZ context, it is the employer's responsibility to ensure employees keep you with the play and remain productive.

Second article on 'why cyborgs are coming, but they will not kill us'. For the moment, cyborgs need humans. The current crop of cyborgs are specialised in what they are able to do. Programming is required constantly to ensure these entities are able to carry out their functions. AI plays a role. However, AI which allows cyborg's to learn as they go about their work, is again limited to specialised functions. The key here is to understand present limitations and also the potentialities.

Therefore, the role of education is to prepare learners for a world of constant challenges and change. Understanding the impact of technology is an important competency.

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