Monday, July 23, 2018

The truth behind brain-based training provides a one stop shop for up to date research on the neuroscience. They provide a good resource to ensure the right information is available. The Brain Facts book is a good reference source for understanding the workings of the brain and neuroscience contribution to understanding how the brain learns.

A 20 minute video  by Jane Zadina, associate profession of neurology at Tulane University, updates on the latest understanding of brain-based learning. She begins the video with 10 questions, which participants need to respond as true or false:

1)      Students can learn something without actively paying attention to it
2)      We use only 10% of our brains
3)      Understanding a student’s learning style can help us teach them better
4)      Physical activities that cross the midline, such as brain gym, help studentsl learn better through integration of left and right brain
5)      Some people are more left-brained and some are more right-brained
6)      Drinking fewer that 6-8 glasses of water a day can cause the brain to shrink
7)      Male and female brains are different and we should adjust our teaching accordingly
8)      It is helpful to examine which of the multiple intelligences students have
9)      The more dendrites children grow, the better
10)   Education cannot address learning difficulties caused by developmental brain differences.

Then works through each of the above to discuss the contributions from current neurobiology research, in particular the use of brain imaging to confirm or dispel the prevalent brain-based educational approaches of the last two decades.

1)      Selective attention is important. Act of attention affects plasticity. Need to pay attention to focus. When told, after an study of hotel room maids that what they did daily equated to going to the gym, they started to lose weight!

2)      we use much more than 10% of the brain – cognitive load is important.
3)       Students do learn differently but neuroimaging does not support learning styles theory. Students may have preferences but how they learn should not be pigeonholed. Learners need to be able to access all aspects of learning – check multiple pathways model.
4)      Brain gym not evidenced as well. However, intense aerobic exercise helps learning and can raise achievement.
5)      Similar to learning styles, right / left brain not supported through neuroscience research. There are some parts of the brain which are used more for some skills but in general, the whole brain is involved.
6)      A myth.
7)      More similarities than differences – as per right/ left brain
8)      Again not supported by contemporary research. Preferences, skills and interests exist but not specific intelligences. Does not mean we ditch but use appropriately
9)      Brain goes through cycles of growth and depletion, new dendrites formed when we learn but requires much more.
10)   Brain plasticity is now recognised. We are able to learn more and become experts, given the relevant practice and reinforcement.

So as always, it is important to think through the implications of various findings made by scientists and to be vary of 'fads'. 

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