All staff convene for a one day professional development event at the Wigram event centre. The day opens with a mihi and karakia from Hana O'Regan. Joe Bennett MCs the occasion and begins with a warm up keynote. Then Stephen Collins representing the CPIT council provided a short welcome and acknowledgement of CPIT's staff commitment over the course of the last few years. CE Kay Giles then provided overview of CPIT's efforts over the last few days and the need to go forward together. Reiterated need to move from teacher and content focus to student and learning focus. Individual learning plans, student led through virtual and asynchronous flexible delivery.
To set the scene, a keynote for Dominic Thurbon from chief creative officer from change labs. In times of change, we must identify and challenge our assumptions. Put forward 3 assumptions to challenge and provided examples / case studies (mainly from U S of A) of how those challenges were met. Assumptions included: what if knowledge was not valued? What is sitting down killed education? What if students took responsibility for their own outcomes?
Then a call for all to contribute to innovation through individual transformation and action.
All staff were then organised into groups to discuss how to best go forward. Each group convener then had to collate items discussed and put up on Yammer. Dom and Kay provided short summary of their group walk about while staff groups were discussing.
After lunch, video presentation from Mark Solomon. Call to raise the aspirations and qualifications of Maori and Pacifica. By 2050, over 50% of the NZ population will be Maori, Pacifica or Asian. Responsibility rests with our generation to play a part. Used the earthquakes as an example of how the community can pull together and the importance of keeping the sense of community.
The Loons contributed to the next session, with a series of displays (juggling and hoops) and practice and build up to a mass group activity session. The activity featured an action song - the 'hi ho hi ho, its off to work we go' song from the cartoon Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - and a passing the parcel sequence. The scaffolding towards the final massed performance will be an interesting 'case study' for reflection in our teacher education courses :)
CPIT excellence awards were then presented by John Mote, CPIT Council member. Excellence in teaching practitioner awards were presented to Tracey Coulhart, Linda Mcketrick, Andrew Massie and John Morgan. Awards for emerging excellence in management award to Jann Lay and Michael Edmonds. Rising star awards for administrative staff went to Sam Hegarty and Mandy Jones. Sustainability awards to Heather Teage, the payroll team and the international admissions team. Excellence in management award went to Karen Te Puke.
Kay provided the summation presentation, thanking the Council and planning committee. In all, a good opportunity for bringing together the whole of CPIT and a bit of a reward for the many trials and tribulations over the last two plus years courtesy of the Christchurch earthquakes. The event reiterates that the institute as a whole is in good heart. All staff are keen to make a contribution, so it is important to provide conduits for crowd sourcing and to support innovative ideas that will make a difference. As Kay put it, we are a small institution but have been put into a unique position to contribute to the major NZ history making role of rebuilding our city. Therefore, Going Forward Together, is a apt slogan. CPIT's major challenge now is to continue on the work begun on Friday, to collate the many good ideas put forward by staff, to prioritise and action the ones that will make a difference to students (and staff) and to maintain momentum of continual improvement in trying times.
Learning about elearning, m-learning, eportfolios, AI in VET, learning design and curriculum development. Also wanders across into research, including VET systems, workplace learning, apprenticeships, trades tutors and vocational identity formation. Plus meanderings into philosophy and neuroscience as I learn about how we learn. Usual disclaimers apply. This blog records my personal learning journey, experiences and thoughts and may not always be similar to the opinions of my employer.
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Hi Monica,
will have a look at Glipho and see if joining up will provide a better way to connect with people who are interested in similar topics I blog about.
Many thanks, Selena
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