Monday, September 23, 2019

On writing - reflections

I have made good progress across almost two months of writing, sprinkled with a little bit of reading.

This week, I will be doing the final sweep and proof reading of the book I have been working on since late last year. It has been an interesting and mostly fulfilling journey. The work that went into the book was mostly squeezed in between all the usual activities and challenges of a busy work schedule. However, pecking away at the writing meant I could consolidate my thoughts as the writing progressed. Some ideas had to be tossed out and other more relevant options brought in to help substantiate and support the narrative and argue through the book.

The last couple of months have been devoted to the polishing of the many chapters. My grateful thanks to Professor Stephen Billett for the time he put into supporting my endeavours last month. It was good to have him critique each chapter and for me to tighten the many themes woven through the book and to ensure each theme was well supported and argued through.

The next two months will be targeted at aupporting and working with several other tutors towards publication of their work on the eassessment project. I also hope to get a few journal articles started off as next year is already shaping up to be rather busy!!

The priviledge to be able to write for several months has really been useful. Being able to concentrate on  wrestling with the tasks of writing and its accompanying 're-writing' process has been productive. I have been able to put more time into reviewing the progressive work in greater depth and to make adjustments / improvements as they fit in. In the past, through a lack of time, I have had to usually 'park' this aspect. Often, the 'additional' items can be reworked into other articles etc. but not always.

So on with the next stage of the study leave :) I hope to fit in some R & R as well - biking and tramping - as these opportunities refresh the brain and provide the opportunity for mulling through thoughts and ideas that percolate through the process of physical activity.

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