Monday, September 16, 2019

Exploring Virtual expeditions

The introduction of VR into classrooms is now possible through the lowering of the cost of hardware and a building range of open resources to support VR field trips / virtual expeditions. Here in NZ, we are not short on natural landscapes but visits to culltural and historical sites are more challenging. Therefore, there is a need, in some discipline areas, to explore the possibilities of applying VR to enabling access to physical resources which are more engaging when learners are able to 'be there'.

Here are some resources to inform the processes of introducing and supporting virtual expeditions.

For a start, teachhub provides a good overview of virtual field trips possible with the use of Google. There is a link to a spreadsheet of shared virtual trips, mostly geographical but several historical as well.

Hardware for VR is summarised by techradar, although a bit dated from 2016. There is also a good list of alternatives to Google cardboard from vrlife.

Pros and Cons are discussed by pcarstensen.

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