Monday, August 12, 2019

Plans for sabbatical / academic study leave

Things are coming together with plans for my sabbatical which began last week and runs to the end of the year. The main objective will be to complete work towards completion of a book with the interim title of: Processes, pedagogy and technology-enhanced: Learning and teaching a trade. The book will be published by Springer.

Another goal is to assist several co-researchers from the eassessment project to publish the findings from their sub-projects.

Additionally, I have a book chapter on ‘tacit knowledge’ with an apprenticeship learning context, sue end of September.
If time allows, it will be good to start up a few articles to be completed into 2020 and beyond.

I will be presenting at the upcoming NZVET research forum in mid-October in Wellington. Also the yearly Ako Aotearoa academy conference, at the end of November.

Apart from the above, there will be travel to Queensland in at the end of August to briefly escape the Christchurch winter for a couple of weeks and to catch up with Professor Stephen Billet at Griffith. We will work through the final draft of the book and I will then return to do the final polishing before submitting the book at the end of September.

All in, if last week has been something to go by - the opportunity to concentrate on writing  will be productive. I can maintain focus on the main objective - completing the writing for the book, have some time to catch up on reading the backlog of relevant, accumulated articles and some clear thinking time to plot proposed articles. 

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