Attended the session hosted by TAFE Directors Australia (TDA). as organised by their GENAI group.
The session overview is:
Experts from CQUniversity in Queensland, TAFE NSW and South Metropolitan TAFE, WA will discuss the role of GenAI in learning and teaching, the development of holistic GenAI Action Plans, ethical considerations and governance, the distinction between learning and performance and more.
Presenters include - Dr. Shweta Singh (Director, VET teaching and learning, Central Queensland University); Dr, Suneeti Rakhari (Director Education Quality, TAFE NSW); Jacqui Creasy (Digital Product Manager, Commercial and Credential Education, TAFE NSW); Ferg Roper (Principal lecturer, Learning and Development, South Metropolitan TAFE); Tony Maguire (Regional Director, ANS D2L) - sponsor.
Notes from the session:
Jenny Dodd welcomes attendees and begins with a welcome to country, instructions for the meeting, and overview of the sessions. Also thanks sponsors :) Then introduced all the the presenter, in order of their presentations and as listed above.
Dr, Singh begins with overview of technological readiness and infrastructure requirements including access to digital tools and internet, technology adoption, capacity building for teachers/trainers and trainees. Poll indicates many participants' institutions as not being ready (as expected!!). Proposed the use of Gen AI as search engine, buddy, co-designer or personal tutor. Gen AI may assist the process of helping learners think and understand information effectively. The value chain approach to integrating Gen AI shared - support, sustainability, scalability, relevance, responsiveness and results (the 3 Rs and 3 Ss value chain approach). However, important also to be aware of ethical implications - integrity, regulation, privacy concerns, accessibility and commercialisation. Important to work through the macro (policy makers etc), meso (institution and stakeholders) and micro (educators).
Dr. Suneeti and Jacqui present on 'the future of now - crafting an institutional AI policy and action plan in a dynamic educational landscape. Overviewed TAFE NSW - a large network including 400k learners and 13k staff. shared the AI governance process - develop knowledge and skills, policy and guidelines guide responsible and ethical use, appropriate staff members ot support reflection. Steps to create Gen AI educational policy include purpose, stakeholders, legal etc obligations, AI capability development, awareness of responsible use and communication. Action plan has key principles - ethical engagement, transparency, risk assessment and mitigation, data privacy and collaboration and interdisclinary approach to ensure goals reached - learner experience, learning resources, course design, educator developmenet, academic integrity, monitoring and review and corporate monitoring and AI governance.
Shared various resources and communication used to support the action plan.Included the rationale for how these were designed. Also shared examples of innovation in classrooms and the emphasis on exploring AI tools being integrated into teaching and learning through an ethical and responsible lens.
Ferg shares 'learning still matters in an age of AI'. Stressed the importance of understanding how Gen AI can support learning. Learners need to do the work and learn as it is not always feasible to depend on AI all the time. Knowledge builds on knowledge, experts have assimilated elements that have been learnt over time and effort. Using AI may not allow learners the space/time to undertake the actual learning. There are no short cuts for 'doing the learning'.
Tony provides a consolidation of the various speakers' contributions. Acknowledged that we are the beginning of a long journey to understand and leverage AI to support learning and teaching. Important to have the governance/policies etc. in place to provide direction. Technology and AI and teaching/learning should all be interwoven across so that each supports the other.
Q & A followed across a range of issues, with presenters responding as required.
A good opportunity to see and hear what is happening in Australia and how they are working through the challenges posed by the advent of Gen Ai and how they are integrating it into their VET curriculum.