Monday, June 17, 2024

Postdigital science and education - journal

This journal - Postdigital Science and Education - is a 'generalist' journal, bringing various disciplines including education, social sciences, humanities and the impact and effect of digital technologies on these.

Currently the journal is into issue 6. The journal publishes both research-based studies and practitioner experiences. 

I came into the journal through this article - the challenge of postdigital literacy: extending multimodality and social semiotics for a new age. A proposal is made in the article, to move towards understanding literacy as 'embodied modeling competency. The framework does away with the digital/non-digital divide and argues that all meaning making is similar. Therefore, it is important to look at literacy beyond what is taught in the formal school sector and instead move away from text and language focused learning towards embodiment and how humans interelate with the physical objects and environments which make up digital places.  

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