Monday, May 20, 2024

Food and Fibre COVE - new approach to learner pathways

The Food and Fibre CoVE(Centre for Vocational Education Excellence) and the Workforce Development Council - Muka Tangata -   have developed a new skills framework for their sector. Both Muka Tangata and the CoVE supports industries across agriculture, horticulture, seafood and Veterinary services. 

The project's website also provides links to the framwork, the research report (prepared by Kathryn Koopmanschap and Dr. Nicky Murray), and the recommendation paper. 

The framework is informed by an analysis to various international frameworks and alignment with the Aotearoa NZ context. The work arose from the need to recognise the skills many people bring into the industry so that they can fast track through the industry-specific qualifications. 

The framework components include core transferable skills, core technical skills, industry-specific skills and bodies of knowledge. 

All in, a step in the right direction to help provision qualifications that are industry-led, easily understood by industry and learners, flexible, transferable and with the ability to bridge both formal and informal learning. 

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