Monday, April 15, 2024

Creating the university of the future - book overview

 This 2024 open access book, Creating the university of the future is published by Springer and edited by U-D Ehlers and L. Eigbrecht. It is part of the book series on Future Higher Education. 

There are 30 chapters, organised into five sections.

The editors 'Set the scene' with 3 chapters in the first section - Creating the university of the future: A global panorama on future skills; towards a future skills framework for higher education; and the practice of future skills learning: an assessment of approaches, conditions and sucesss factors.

The next section focuses on 'future skills- foundations and shapes of a new emerging concept in a global view. There are six chapters in this section. 

Then 11 chapters in the section on future skills in practice - teaching and learning. The chapters provide case studies or examples of contemporary pedagogy from across the world.

The fourth section is on 'future skills in practice - assessment'. with 4 chapters. Emphasis is placed on formative assessments across the chapters.

The last section has a series of chapters from various countries which have worked towards achieving 'future skills'. Chapters are on the 'skills future movement in Singapore'; 'continuing education at the National University of Singapore'; Educational digital transformation of university education in Japan; future IT skills; and further higher education in New Zealand.

Overall, a good collection of chapters, some philosophical/theoretical but many reporting on current approaches. 

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