Monday, June 27, 2022

International Labour Organisation (ILO) resources to support apprenticeship

 Two useful guides produced by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) to inform apprenticeships.

1) A guide for policy makers and governments (2017): Titiled ILO toolkit for quality apprenticeships: Volume 1: Guide of policy makers. Covers the overarching mechanisms which allow apprenticeships to flourish. Firstly, the rationale and advantages for apprenticeship are summarised. Then the key 'building blocks' for quality apprenticeship are introduced and discussed. The keys are to ensure there is social dialogue between the parties administrating and supporting apprenticeship; the regulatory frameworks are contextualised to carry weight and provide the necessary protection for all involved; roles and responsibilities of all parties are summarises; funding arrangements are introduced and discussed; the need to align apprenticeships to labour market skills needs are detailed; and a call for ensuring access to apprenticehships are inclusive of all (i.e. gender, vulnerable groups etc.)

2) The guide of employers, practitioners, apprenticeship trainers, supporters (2020)  This guide covers the various aspects of developing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating apprenticeships programmes.

Seven modules are offered: an overview; the quality apprenticeship training life cycle; development of apprenticeship programmes; preparing quality training places; organising apprenticeship training; post-training transitions and evaluation; and innovations and strategies in apprenticeship.

A range of 'tools', frameworks, models, resources etc. from many countries are presented as examples, making the guide accessible and applicable.  

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