Monday, January 17, 2022

metaverse - what is it and how it may support education?

Had a look through a few resources to update on the hype surrounding the metaverse.  

This CNA documentary provides a good overview of the metaverse. Notes below: 

Summarises what it is, why it is NOW that it is more possible / accessible, and provides a range of examples.

The reporter also explains the contexts for the expansion of the metaverse beyond games. Second Life was a start with the popularity of Fortnite creating impetus for spending time online to socialise.

The current technology allow the creation of authentic avatars, creating more realistic inter-relationships.

Studios (sandbox VR) allow participants to play games in VR collaboratively. Participants do not only don VR goggles / hand controllers, but also a haptic vest. However, still not multimodal as spell/temperature etc. not possible.

Vocktails provide a concept where by taste / smell possible through virtual means. A range of flavours are possible, including sensations of  ‘tingling’ to enhance sensations of bitterness, sourness etc.

Commercial aspects of the metaverse well developed. Allowing accessories to be purchased for avatars. Services like interior design can also be purchased to ‘pimp’ ones VR environment.

Connecting the various aspects of current metaverse is being worked on, allowing for a virtual life.

Implications of how to distinguish between the virtual and real when one engages on the metaverse. Actions completed on the metaverse are stored/archived. Who owns this!! Digital ethics is a key aspect that is still nascent.

Still much to be done to allow for mainstream metaverse. Obvious advantages for education, especially bringing together AR and VR (mixed reality).

 In the educational context, edsurge provides an update. Still much to do for VR to be accessible. At the moment, the high cost of entry is a barrier. The coordination and integration of VR and AR is one way to provision experiences. This does require careful planning and design, again an added cost and time factor requirement. Will need to keep an eye on developments, especially given the current uncertainties of access to physical classrooms due to the pandemic.

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