Monday, March 22, 2021

Supporting apprentices' workplace learning

 Over the last year or so, Th NZ government has committed to supporting apprenticeship training. There are subsidies for employers and 'free fees' for a range of courses. These have led to an increase in apprenticeship sign ups

However, there is always a need to support workplace based training and education as the workplaces' focus is on production, not necessarily in training.

Although now 10 years since the project was completed, the findings and resources from tne 'first year apprentices' experiences' project are still relevant. The poster produced to support the project call for a 'whole community' approach to support apprentices as they settle into workplace routines and challenges.

The follow up project ' learning a trade' also has resources relevant to the NZ context. There is a short video  to explain the concepts of feedback and its importance in learning and a supporting poster. 

There are also many other resources available internationally. Of relevance are the ones archived in the UK amazingapprenticeships site. Including this one which lists 50 activities to support apprenticeship.

1 comment:

Alp Hub said...

Nice content you shred with us keep posting.