Monday, July 27, 2020

Educational technology research and development journal - good contemporary articles

Doing a catch up on reading in preparation for putting together a short book on the topic of 'practice-based learning via distance learning' or similar title - perhaps 'digitally enabling 'learning by doing' in vocational education and training' or 'technology-enhanced learning: Supporting learning by doing'.

One journal I am able to access via the Ara institutional databases is 'Educational technology research and development' published by Springer. There is a 1 year wait for access to articles which I can live with :)

The focus of the journal - as the only scholarly journal in the elearning/educaitonal techology field focusing on R & D, makes the articles pertinent, given one of the chapters in the proposed book will be on 'how technology enhance learning' may support the future of work/future of learning for practice-based, experential type learning.

The journal is into it's 68th volume!! so rather a lot to catch up on but I am concentrating on articles published in the last decade as educationaly technology type R & D, does have a 'use by date'.

There is a US of A slant in the articles, given the editors and most on the editorial board are also from the US of A, and the journal's affliation is to the Association for Educational Communications and Technology. See this link for useful resources (higher education) to cope with Covid-19 challenges.

A useful resource for all who work in the technology-enhanced learning area.

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