Thursday, October 03, 2019

Heutagogy - workshop with Dr. Steward Hase at Ara

Attended an afternoon workshop with Dr. Steward Hase, one of the theorist behind the concept of heutagogy. 

The session touched briefly on aspects of the science of learning and the principles of self-determined learning. Then moved on to introduce some ways to can apply the science and principles in designing exciting learning experiences thorugh leveraging off enhanced learner agency.

The princples of heutagogy was modelled through the workshop, with lots of interactive learning through group work and opportunities for low level inquiry learning.

He used group activity to go through definition of heutagogy, the relations between pedagogy and androgogy, and the PAH (pedagogy, andragogy and heutagogy) continuum.

The need to support learners was stressed. Learning through self-determination requires learners to be confident in working out what they need to learn and how they can go about it.

In turn, 'learning leaders' (aka teachers) also require a new skill set to 'let go' and be true 'guides on the side'.

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