Mark Oldershaw, the CE of ITF opens the conference and
introduces the first key note.
Dr. Ian Hall introduces the Ministerial address by the Hon.
Simon Bridges, Minister of Labour. Reinforced the importance of research in
informing government, business groups, industry etc. on the vocational
education sector.
Export markets, capital growth, resource use, plus skilled
and safe workplaces are important strategic areas of NZ. Present govt. Recent
initiative to support apprenticeships show governments commitment to skilling
the workforce.
Signals several changes – more flexible work hours, greater
flexibility in employment contracts, a ‘start-out’ wage for young people
starting in the workforce, setting targets for safe work places to reform
present legislation. A new govt. section on improving and maintaining workplace
health and safety to be set up.
The Honorable Steve Maharey, now CE of Massey University,
keynote is on the importance of research in informing policy. Focus on How do we know?? As an example is
the Minister of Labour’s proposal for a ‘starting wage’ for young people. How
do we know this will help young people get started and are they able to
actually live on the ‘starting wage’? Evidence based research still required to
inform policy.
Went through brief overview of VET – prior 1992 – workbased
(Gladwell- Outliers – 10,000 hours); post 1992 – industry-led, competency
based, flexibility, new areas covered, PTEs (private training providers(
formed. 2000 – modern apprenticeships launched, 2011 – review of ITOs (now just
21 compared to over 40 2 years ago) – with most changes made possible not based
on evidence ??
Research informed practice plays a role in helping people to
change their minds about long held beliefs. Evidence base needs to be context
specific but also be localized / relevance. How much research is actually used?
How much evidence based literacy exists? Policy-research connection needs to be
closer- for example through staff exchanges between policy developers and
industry / ITOs etc. Encouragement to know the audience for the research, use
social media, build capacity for not only doing but understanding research
findings and how they can be transferred into policy that will make a
difference. See Newman, K et al (2012)
what is the evidence on evidence-informed policy making? INASP: UK uses a
demand / supply framework to unpack how policy makers may use evidence.
Research on what works should be routine; practitioners
should be involved in research; disseminate results; resources should enable
practitioners to be critical consumers of research; remove barriers between
practitioners and researchers; practitioners should drive some/all research
agenda; and research needs to be relevant to the situation.
Some good recommendations and an inside view on how policies
come about!
Following, an expert panel convened to discuss the
implementation of Hon. Maharey’s presentation. Panel include Dr. Peter Coolbear
from Ako Aotearoa and Roger Smythe from the Ministry of Education.
Peter thanked Steve for some good recommendations. Research
needs to meet policy developments more than half way – how we do and promote
research. Ako Aotearoa already working through any of the recommendations and
continues to work to improve the process. Simple messages need to be distilled
about what the evidence is telling us, what works in industry workplace
training, the barriers etc. need to bring the findings together into a coherent
way and disseminate to target audience.
There is research on unpacking complexity or research that leads
to change in practice and improvement in outcomes of learners. Ako Aotearoa
supports evidence bases that promote positive change.
Roger provided background on MOEs work to form an
evidence-based focused direction. In the past, there wasn’t much work done
(stuff was taken on trust). There was lots of data but no concerted effort to
make meaning. Progress has been made since to understand the data on completion
rates for example. Greater emphasis on
drawing out the important information presented in data collected (often from
different ministries / sources) to see patterns and postulate influences /
impacts. There is a will within the MOE to make the consolidated data available
to the sector / public but still lots of work to be done – with limited resources.
Steve replied to reiterate the need for evidence informed
policy and questions from the floor presented and answered / extended /
After morning tea, the concurrent sessions in 2 streams
I chair the first session in stream A, presented by Dr. Helen
Henderson from the Bay of Plenty Polytechnic on ‘how to increase student
retention and success.’ Helen presented an engaging session. A need to qualify
what ‘completions’ mean? How can we help students complete? What can be changed? Students’ socio-economic
matters, educational background, cultural diversity, family support and
expectations of previous teachers pretty much set. But tutor’s knowledge,
programme elements, institutional support and targets are things that can be
worked on. Principles for institutional change include need of continuous
improvement, collection and use of evidence to inform action and evaluation,
accept responsibilities and boundaries and focus on strengths and student
engagement. Student cycle – programme
focused approach to retention and support, identify key points of engagement
and form an evidence base approach to strengthen engagement. Key points of
engagement include recruitment, first contact orientation, diagnostic
placements, teaching and learning, assessment tools, pastoral care/support,
destination (work, further study). What evidence is available in each point of
the student cycle to establish what works, how to improve, actions to take and
ways to continually evaluate. Which part of the cycle needs to be worked from
identified for was part of the student cycle. Detailed
a trial with 18 programmes with eventual improvements in 15 programmes (2
remained the same and 1 declined in completion rates).
Reflections include the need for clear goals and
requirements (institution and TEC for completions); needs to be leadership
commitment; need to collect useable data on how students enroll, progress and
complete / or not complete; shift to business as usual promptly once project
stops; large attitude shift required from all players; share on-going success –
strategies that assist with positive course / programme completions.
Second session is with Mike Hay from Trade and Commerce
presenting on an Ako Aotearoa project to ‘increase student engagement andachievement through a strengths-based approach to education’. Original rationale based on a Gallup poll
that reveals on 17% people use their strengths at work. Engaged students think
– I can, I should and I want. Hillary Rhodes (2007) defines engaged learners as
finding education to be important; have persistence and sustained attention and
attend regularly; are excited and interested in learning – with a sense of
belonging’ have a preference for academic
challenge, positive self concepts. Used Mason Durie’s work on the Te
Whare Tapa Wha – where the whole – mental and emotional, physical, social and
spiritual wellbeing and Snyder (1996) on hope.
Many definitions of ‘strengths’ one from J. Fox (2009) as
activity (energise you, you look forward to, you want); learning (learning
preferences and environments) and relationship (develop effective and rewarding
connections) strengths. Competency requires we be good at everything. Strengths
approach involves discovering, developing and applying their strengths in their
teaching activities as they help students to do the same learning and different
Engagement factors include – early success and positivity;
making connections between tutors and students; develop skills to identify
personal strengths; take personal responsibility; strong support crew;
aspirations aligned to strengths; qualifications and /or employment pathways
and activities aligned to strengths; and celebrate success. A framework for
strengths based delivery presented for careers in hospitality (level 2) as an
example. Involves settling in– weeks 1
and 2-(becoming part of the group, build relations between peers and tutors);
discover strengths ((weeks 3 – 4) and then use strengths through the course before
encouraging to ‘living with my strengths (6 weeks prior to completion). The strengths identification and application
process is also linked to unit standards and are therefore have credit values.
Challenges for students include- believe that they need to
work on weaknesses; are afraid they do not have strengths; to follow their
strengths they might need to change behaviours and expectations. For tutors
believe in identifying students; weaknesses; but must do things differently and
have to work harder to educate more than train/ teach; enjoy the power in
pointing out students’ problems – so need to change beliefs and practice. For
organisations – what is organisations highest priority and how much money and
time is spent on student recruitment vs student engagement.
Success of the approach is based on focus on abilities; do
activities together; use what you learn about the student; listen to their
stories; develop an individualized plan; and measure engagement in real-time. Carried out a project of find out if the
approach worked. Compared control and trial groups and trial group showed
slightly higher levels of engagement, hope, wellbeing and tutor relations with
the trial group.
So implications include: how can achievement be defined?
Depends on if WINZ (jobs)or TEC (qualifications)! But achievement is also about
lifting engagement, aspirations, self-confidence, independence, quality of
learner decision-making, and qualification achievement. Therefore, there is
more to student achievement than concrete outcomes.
For the future – set up a strengths-pedia of strengths
activities; develop strengths-based assessments; strength-based employee
recruitment and job allocation; employee-strengths based engagement framework;
roles and responsibilities based on strengths; strengths based coaching and
performance reviews.
After lunch, a plenary session on student engagement in NZ
PTEs (private training providers) – piloting AUSSE in the NZ PTE sector with
Dr. Peter Coolbear from Ako Aotearoa. The project survey analysis completed by
Ali Radloff from the Australian Council of Education Research and coordinated b
Keith Heathcote (NZAPEP) with Peter providing funding, and conclusions in the
presentation. AUSSE a powerful research tool but it does not provide all the
answers, has a self-selected convenience sample and provides a broad brush
overview. Provided an outline of student
engagement, the AUSSE itself, some of the things the survey tells us about
students in the participating institutions.
Premised on the outcomes which are desirable from inputs of
student effort, institution and teacher support. All of these are not
independent variables. Student
engagement is about active, purposeful involvement in the learning opportunities
provided in their tertiary experience.
Characteristics of engagement include appropriate levels of challenge,
high expectations coupled with deep approaches to learning, quality engagement
with staff, enriched learning activities and active learning approaches.
Dimensions include student-centred learning perspective, includes both in and
out of class activities and condition, assumption that individuals learn and
develop involvement with key educational practices and activities. Based on 4
decades of research (international) and can be linked to retention and eventual
student completion and success. AUSSE is
designed to start action-focused conversations about teaching and learning BUT
not make judgements off a single data set. However, comparisons within
institution, between other institutions and along other data. Within
institutions with improvement over time, inter-disciplinary, first year to
later years, specific student groups and between disciplines.
AUSSE survey can be distilled into engagement scales to
measure academic challenge, active learning, staff/student interactions,
enriched educational experiences, supportive learning environment and
work-integrated learning. Outcome measures also in higher order thinking,
general learning and development outcomes, career readiness, average overall
grade, departure intentions and overall satisfaction.
In general, PTE attrition lowish but completion low (around
50%- across 8 years) and progression also low. In this pilot, 10 PTEs
participated, 990 learners, mainly degree and diploma in IT, Health and
Education. PTEs exhibit high support of students – supportive learning
environment - when compared to other types of providers. Overall satisfaction and support of students’
development also high. For PTE batchelor
students when compared with university, ITP and Australian university – higher
academic challenge, active leanring, student staff interactions, enriched
learning experiences, supportive learning environment and work integrated
learning. Outcome comparisons more even
but PTE batchelor degrees still higher in general development outcomes.
ITP and PTE pilot validated to study levels 3 – 7. Best PTEs
have clear strengths in supporting active learning and work integrated
learning. Younger learners show higher propensity to active engagement than
older learners, Maori and Pacifica learners have different needs but more work
needs to be done to understand the relationship between engagement and success
for Pacifica learners.
Future direction – develop a version for levels 1 -2 ? apply
to workplace learning contexts?
Then, I present on the various situated technology enhancelearning (STEL) projects at CPIT with ‘ STEL: improving learning of a trade.
Projects with Peter Sauer (using tablets to complete assessment naming
mechanical parts of car), Katrina Fisher (learning barista skills), Debby
Taylor (improving reflective learning using video of roleplays of check-in and
check-out), Heather McEwan (improving digital literacy through virtual field
trips to hotels) and Peter Harrison (using point of view video to learn
engineering practical skills). Presenting on the pedagogical frameworks
underpinning STEL as a whole and each of the projects (constructivism, deliberate
practice, embodied learning etc.). Then the need to prepare students and
prepare tutors before selecting technology to engage fully in the avoidances
provided through STEL.
Afternoon tea followed by keynote from Dr. Rose Ryan,
Heather McDonald(Heathrose Research) and Doug Pouwhare (ESITO) with their
presentation on an ESITO (electricity supply ITO) project on ‘ Ultimit benefit:
Women trainees in the electrical supply industry.’ Project to encourage and support women to work
as line mechanics and cable jointers. Asks whether isolation and lack of peer
group support limit’s womens’ recruitment and retention? Does health and
industry safety model consider womens’ needs? What work related attributes and
qualities support women.
Interviews carried out over 2 years with trainees,
supervisors and team leaders collecting 109 interviews. Supplemented with
documents related to training and observations. Electrical supply industry has
good representation with women in generation and retails. However, few in transmission
and distribution. Could be due to type of work being physically demanding,
hazardous, in isolated areas and mucky.
In 2008, there were 1270 apprentices in line mechanic /
cable jointing but only 42 women in 5 trades. In 2013, 1566 trainees and 107
women in 37 trades. Final report to be
launched on 20th April. So interim findings are reported.
From previous learnings in another project, women were
recruited and then organized into cohorts to ensure they were supported through
apprenticeship. Total of 9 trainees (6 in one and 3 in another company).
Selection was rigorous with opportunities for potential trainees to find out
about the physical and other job requirements. Initial expectations of trainees
and trainers/ supervisors was positive. Training and learning was on the job –
often dependent on the team leader or supervisor leading; the attitude of the
trainee (ask questions or take initiative); and trainee experiences varied
between being accepted in teams to reluctance to invest in hands-on learning.
Health and safety focuses were challenged – high expectations with women
perceived to having higher states of awareness of risks and hazard control;
issues raised including size of protective gear; reproductive health; and
strength and fatigue thresholds contested. Found that relationships were
important including with managers, mentors and outside support; within work
teams; shared understandings of performance expectations and management;
‘getting stuck in’ was valued but what does that mean in practice; and
importance of family relationships.
Concluded that the cohort effect does make a difference;
health and safety issues cannot be considered separate from workforce
development issues. Work culture important in determining what is valued in
specific jobs – for instance strength valued but not attention to detail,
ability to manage relationships with land owners etc.).
Implications – targeting recruitment for trades in women
works. VET in non-traditional trades offers employers access to wider pool of
labour; VET offers young women a range of career choice not previously
available; organization recruiting from a non-traditional workforce to consider
what they need to do to prepare their existing workforce for changes. Ultimit
has a goal to increase womens’ workforce representation in traditional trades
within the electric supply industry.
Day ends with a cocktail function to celebrate the 10 years of
the forum.