Liz Kolb who blogs on ‘from toy to tool; cellphones in learning’ also runs cellphones in learning at blogtalk radio – a really good resource that reports on what educators are doing with their cell phones. The episodes so far include text messaging projects on cellphones, creating professional development for teachers interested in using cellphones for teaching and learning, ideas for using cellphone cameras and rules and regulations for cellphone use in schools.
The site works on my Treo as well, I could not play the radio programme / podcast directly but could download the programme and then play it back. Download time was a few minutes, so not too trying & the file was not too big. The cheaper way to do this would be to download on to my laptop & sync across to the Treo.
So this is another podcast that I can listen to when I walk the dog. Podcasts are a good way to distribute content. However because I am not a very audio person, I find it difficult to remember details that I listen to & it is difficult to take notes while walking the dog. I will need to find out from my students whether they listen to podcasts. I know that most listen to music or the radio but few listen to radio programmes that have a lot of talk. It will also be important to find out the amount of time that students are willing to listen to podcasts and what content they will be most interested in listening to.
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