Monday, January 22, 2024

Digital Skills Framework - for Aotearoa NZ - a discussion paper

 A discussion paper commissioned by Ako Aotearoa and written by Dr. Anne Alkema provides a timely piece of work from which our 'AI in foundation studies' project can draw from. Digital skills are prerequisites to being able to make use of AI tools/apps as presently, all are reliant on text input - although users could dictate the prompts into speech to text if the relevant plugins were enabled. 

The paper discusses the various definitions of digital literacy and skills and overviews several examples from overseas (UK, Australia, Canada, Ireland, EU, US of A) to inform the development of an Aotearoa NZ version. 

Recommends 4 options - align with the current adult learning progressions (which is what we currently have at Ara); develop an essential skills framework; develop a standalone digital skills framework; and work with potential partners.

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