Monday, April 24, 2023

OECD report - Is education losing the race with technology?

 This OECD report makes for interesting and challenging reading. The report surmises that in a few years, AI would be able to surpass most humans if it was to take the OECD Survey of Adult Skills (PIACC). By 2026, AI would be able to solve the literacy and numeracy tests and its results would exceed that of 90% of adults in literacy (gulp) and 57-88% in numeracy. 

At present, literacy and numeracy skills are used daily by large sectors of the workforce. What are the implications, when AI is able to perform these tasks? The usual recommendations are for education systems to strengthen foundations skills for students and to also ensure 'AI' literacy becomes part of the curriculum.

The report is a warning for all educators, to not ignore the increasing capabilities of AI. Instead of avoiding the technology, educators need to become AI savvy, to understand the strengths and limitations of the technology and to be able to help guide their learners, towards using the essential human skills of communication, critical thinking and problem solving to be able to work synergistically with AI.

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