Thursday, November 19, 2020

Hybrid learning from a pedagogical perspective aka demonstration of myviewboard - webinar

 A webinar hosted on linkedin - Presented by Jim Sill a learning consultant and hosted by Michael Zhang from ViewSonic. Consisted of a demonstration of an online whiteboard platform called myviewboard.

"The webinar used the working definition for hybrid learning as being synchronous learning that teaches both in-person and online learners simultaneously. It is part of blended learning but a specific example of how EdTech is used in education.

Teachers are facing the challenge of teaching simultaneously between virtual and physical classrooms, requiring them to spend additional time to learn different tools. However, the tools they use at home are often not transferable to when they return to the physical classroom. This back and forth creates inefficiencies and friction, especially during the preparation and presentation of lessons, hindering student progression"

The webinar was a short 30 minutes. Michael commenced with introducing Jim and the topic. Jim provided a demonstration of the platform – my viewboard classroom. Lessons need to be planned to utilise the capabilities of the platform. 

Demo account available via the the pricing page  -free access available up to June 2021 to support teachers working through the challenges of Covid-19

Jim went through the ‘landing page’ and concentrated on showing how myviewboard classroom works when there is a f2f class and also students coming in from home. The classroom is based on a whiteboard. Students enter through a link/QR code. Went through how to set up the board for a lesson and the toolbar functions. In essence, a smartboard accessible online. Screen captures of the board are a feature along with ability to record the entire session. Integrated to search features, so able to bring in googled item, drag in youtube videos etc. Similar to OB3 in ease of bringing in content. Students are able to contribute as well.

Demonstrated with an example lesson – on climate change.

Begins by bringing a worksheet on to the board. Then enables student access so students can add to the worksheet. Then brought up whiteboard to provide the ‘lecture’ part of the session. Student definitions on global warming’ sought using ‘post it note’ feature. Then introduced group work using the huddle feature which provides a whiteboard for each group to collect their conversations and contributions.

The technology is useful for visual teaching in maths, science, engineering, architecture etc. Interactivity seems to be user friendly to access. Replicates many of the usual text-based learning activities used in school classrooms. Good for structured lessons and supports collaborative learning using familiar 'school-based' learning activties. Worth a look at.

The linkedin event was somewhat puzzling as there was no link established. I went in 10 minutes before the presentation and there were several posts requesting a link to the webinar. However, at the appointed time, the webinar started up in the meeting link. Perhaps a little blurb, stating how and where the webinar would be presented would have been helpful to ensure people who signed up were not putting time into looking around for a link to the event.


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