Tuesday, January 05, 2016

The year ahead - 2016

This year two major items will impact on my workload and work direction.

Firstly, the merger of CPIT and Aoraki Polytechnic to form a new institute is now in progress. This raises issues of support for staff situated away from Christchurch city. Due to the distributed nature of our campus, there is a need to support learners who will be geographically dispersed. There has been an emphasis on ‘flexible delivery’ to date but the merger will mean flexibility of access becomes an important implementation goal.

Secondly, we have at least 2 new educational developers starting with us this year, with possibility of 2 more. The arrival of this cohort of educational developers, brings us up to former strength. The newbies come from either the higher education or the formal education (secondary) sector. Their challenge will be to come to an understanding of our diverse portfolio relatively quickly. The outcomes of TRoQ/ MRoQ mean we have substantial work to do. The merger will challenge us, with our mostly f2f delivery modes, to prepare teaching teams for shifting to provide more flexible forms of learning.

On the technology-enhanced learning front, a major project will be to complete pilotsof Onenote Classroom Notebook with several courses. We need to test the viability of this platform for deployment into specialised discipline areas, each with specific pedagogical goals.   

Work with tablets continue as several teams supported over the last 3 years have now adopted BYOD or have managed to purchase class sets of tablets.

Dissemination continues with several journal articles in various states of draft, close to submission, peer review and tidying up for publication. There is a joint book chapter to coordinate and write and discussions for an edited book to see to fruition. 

So, looking forward to a busy year with new challenges and continuing work.

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