Monday, January 12, 2015

Plans for 2015

This is one of those years when it is difficult to make detailed plans. Firstly, my work section, envisages a large number of programme approval / development projects due to the outcome of the, now stretched out and overdue, targeted review of qualifications (TRoQ). To try to move things along the TRoQ is now renamed the Mandatory review of Qualifications (MRoQ). Secondly, added to the large list of programmes to be reviewed / re-developed, the academic division is being reviewed and restructured. The centre for educational development (CED) where I am based will be dis-established and a review of academic division functions will be carried out. After the functions review, staff will apply for positions. So at the moment, difficult to forecast where I will be based later this year. The current plans are for the new structure to be in place by the middle of this year. So plans for 2015 will need to be flexible as the year unfolds.

However, 'normal' work carries on. Therefore, a professional development focus this year will be to touch base with the foundational literature on apprenticeships, practice and workplace-based learning in light of last year’s readings (summarised here) and on-line courses / MOOCs on things neurological (one summarised here). Writing to disseminate the findings, recommendations and theory building from previous projects will also continue. I hope to submit at least 2 journal articles and have plans to submit abstracts for 3 conferences. 

The second focus will be to explore learning analytics (LA) further and to evaluate if LA will assist in better informing teaching and learning practice. I will need to work on the learnings from the recent ASCILITE conference, in particular the workshop on LA to apply to the NZ and CPIT context.

Work also continues with the support of various 'in-progress' projects (Project surface tablet, staff development with various programmes etc.) Therefore, lots to keep busy with as I continue my current main work tasks/foci until the outcomes of the review are put in place. 

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