Caveat: I have received funding from Ako Aotearoa for several projects and have small mention in report as part of Ako Aotearoa Excellence in Tertiary Teaching selection panel.
It is a 'one stop shop' summarising some of the recent Ako Aotearoa funded projects - both the Nationally (usually $100,000 plus) and hub funded projects (around $10,000). The report begins with a Highlights section consisting summaries of 12 recently completed projects – both National and Hub funded.
Then, the report moves through to the reporting of the strategic themes
which guide their work. The 'flavour' of the unique NZ tertiary system, with it's emphasis on biculturalism is captured well.
Of most use are the summaries of strategic direction and projects
which align to each theme.
There is good information on Maori / Pasifika projects and the
fostering and acting on the learner voice. These projects presently focus on building capability with student 'union' and associations to allow them to be able to better represent the needs of tertiary students.
There are also summaries of submissions – especially to the recently completed Productivity
commission report on new models of tertiary education. Ako Aotearoa supporting the need to ensure tertiary teachers are supported in their professional development as teachers.
The various national and regional projects were then
summarised along with international linkages.
So, overall, not just an annual report but a good resource for anyone keen to find out more about the NZ tertiary educations system beyond statistics and policy statements. The report celebrates the uniqueness of NZ tertiary education as being more than just the learning of occupational skills but a contribution to the nation's social fabric and the building of a bi-cultural national ethos.