Firstly, there is a short video (under 4 minutes) which provides a good overview. As Stephen was my PhD supervisor, I had the opportunity to gain familiarity with his work over a period of time. His first seminal articles on workplace learning were published in the 1990s and early 2000s. I advise other scholars, interested and beginning in the field of workplace learning, practice-based learning and learning through practice to at least read 3 to 4 of Stephen’s articles from the 1990s. They set up a good background for his current work.
The seminal papers on various topics include:
Workplace learning – including concepts of affordances / interdependencies
Billett, S. (1996). Situated learning: Bridging sociocultural and cognitive theorising. Learning and Instruction, 6 (3),
Billett, S. (2001). Learning at work: workplace affordances and individual engagement. Journal of Workplace Learning, 13(5), 209-214.
Billett, S. (2002). Toward a workplace pedagogy:
Guidance, participation, and engagement. Adult
Education Quarterly, 53(1),
Billett, S. (2002). Workplace pedagogic practices:
co-participation and learning. British
Journal of Education Studies, 50(4),
Billett, S. (2003). Sociogeneses, activity and ontogeny.
Culture and Psychology, 9(2), 133-169.
Identity –
Billett, S. (2006). Constituting the workplace curriculum. Journal of Curriculum Studies,
36 (1), 31-48.
Billett, S. (2008). Learning throughout working life: A
relational interdependence between personal and social agency. British Journal of Educational Studies, 56(1),
Billett, S. (2008). Subjectivity, learning and work:Sources and legacies. Vocations and Learning, 1(2), 149-171.
Billett, S., & Somerville, M. (2004). Transformational work: Identity and learning. Studies
in Continuing Education, 26(2),
Billett, S., & Pavlova, M. (2005). Learning through working life: Self and individuals’ agentic action. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 24(3), 195-211.
Practice based learning
Billett, S. (2009). Personal epistemologies, work and
learning. Educational Research Review, 4,
Billett, S. (2010). Learning through practice. In S.
Billett (Ed.), Learning through practice:Models, traditions, orientations and approaches (pp. 1-20). Netherlands:
Billett, S., & Choy, S. (2013).
Learning through work: emerging perspectives and new challenges. Journal of
Workplace Learning, 25(4), 264 – 276.
Cleland, J., Leaman, J., & Billett, S. (2014).
Developing medical capabilities and dispositions through practice-based experiences.
In C. Harteis, A. Rausch & J. Seifried (Eds.), Discourses on Professional Learning: On the Boundary between Learning and Working (pp.211-230). Drodrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
Mimetic learning
Billett, S. (2014). Mimetic learning at work. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.