Saturday, July 23, 2011

Resources on other ways of knowing

In sunny and warm Brisbane this week and off home to wintry and still shaky Christchurch this evening. The main purpose for coming to Brisbane was to put time at Griffith University with my supervisor,Professor Stephen Billett to complete and hand in my dissertation. All this accomplished over long days on Monday to Wednesday to get the final versions to the printery. I picked up the three weighty copies, worked through the various forms to be filled in and dropped them off at the Griffith University Nathan campus on Friday. Now the wait begins as the markers do their bit and I await feedback on what else needs to be done before the PhD process is completed.

On Thursday and Friday, I trawled the library shelves at both the Mount Gravatt and Nathan libraries for books relevant to several of my other projects on studying apprentices learning using multimodal discourse analysis and interactive etextbooks on tablets.I had selected several pertinent readings and books to find, as listed in a paper by Marchand, now in the form of a book .
Was able to check out several books pertinent to understanding how people communicate and express nuances of behavior through body language (knowing bodies, moving minds), articles and books of craft knowledge and thinking through craft. Of note is a book that was referenced in several chapters on "Ways of knowing: New approaches in the anthropology of experience and learning" edited by Harris, M (2007).

So will follow up on the anthropological literature,including the area of visual anthropology and primate research on communication techniques.

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